Monday 23 September 2013

Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps In Austria

Wonder of the world, ancient places in beautiful Austria
Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps - Austria
This serial property of 111 small individual sites includes the remains of a prehistoric pile-dwelling (or built house) settlements in and around the Alps built from around 5000 to 500 Bc at the edges of lakes, rivers and wetlands. Excavations, carried out only in some of the sites, was proof that provides insight into the life in prehistory during the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Alpine Europe and the way communities compares to their environment. Fifty-six sites are located in Switzerland. The settlements are a unique group exceptionally well preserved and culturally rich archaeological sites, which is one of the main sources for the study of older agricultural societies in the region.

Wonderful Universal Importance

The series of 111 of the 937 known archaeological pile-home manufacturing companies in six countries around the Alpine and regions of Europe consists of the remains of a prehistoric settlements dating from 5000 to 500 Bc which is under water, lake shores, along rivers or in wetlands. The exceptional preservation of organic materials that are provided by the sites, combined with extensive water archaeological research in many areas of natural science, as archaeobotany and archaeozoology, in the last decades, combined with an excellent detailed observation of the world of early agricultural societies in Europe. The exact details of the agriculture, livestock farming, the development of the metallurgy, over a period of more than four millennia, coincides with one of the most important phases of recent human history: the dawn of the modern societies.

In view of the potential for the exact date of wooden architectural elements by dendrochronology, the sites have exceptional archaeological resources that provide an understanding of whole prehistoric villages and their detailed construction techniques and spatial development over very long periods. They also give information about trade routes for disposable flint lighters, shells, gold, orange, and pottery by the Alps, and in the plains, transport evidence of dugout canoes and wooden wheels, some complete with axles for two wheeled carts from about 3,400BC, one of the earliest preserved in the world, And the oldest textiles in Europe dating from 3000 V. CHR. This cumulative evidence has a unique insight into the national life and settlements of thirty different cultural groups in the Alpine landscape that the stack properties to flourish.

The series of the stack house sites are one of the most important archaeological sources for the study of older agricultural societies in Europe between 5000 and 500 BC. The flooded fields have retained organic material that contributes to an excellent way for our understanding of important changes in the Neolithic and Bronze Age history of Europe in general, and of the interactions between the regions around the Alps in particular. The series of the stack home sites has an extraordinary and detailed insight into the settlement and domestic situation of pre-historic, early agrarian shore communities in the Alpine regions of Europe and almost 5000 years. The revealed archaeological evidence can be a unique insight into the way in which society should relate to their environment, as a result of new technologies, but also the impact of climate change. 


The series of prehistoric pile-dwelling sites is the well-defined geographical area within which these sites are to be found in its full extent, as well as all cultural groups in the course of the period during which the stack properties exist. Therefore includes the full cultural context of the archaeological phenomena. The sites selected at have been chosen to be largely intact, as well as the diversity of structures, groups of structures and in certain periods. The series and its limits correspond fully to the characteristics of Outstanding Universal Value. The visual integrity of some sites is to some extent at the expense of their urban environment. Many of the component sites can also be said to be vulnerable to a number of threats, ranging from the use of the lakes, intensification of agriculture, development, etc. Control of the locations is crucial for a good continuation of their integrity.


The physical remains are well preserved and documented. Their archaeological layers, preserved in the ground or under water are authentic in structure, material and substance, without later or modern additions. The remarkable life of organic remains facilitates the highest levels of definition with regard to the use and function of the locations. The very long history of research, cooperation and coordination an unusual degree of understanding and documentation of the sites. But the capabilities of the locations to their value is difficult because they are usually fully hidden underwater world which means that the context in relation to the lake and the river banks is important with regard to the nature of their setting. This context is compromised of a degree at these sites, to survive in highly urbanised environments. Because the sites not be obvious in the in situ, they are interpreted in museums. An overall presentation framework is to be developed, may coordination between museums and an agreed standard of archaeological data to ensure understanding of the value of the total property, and how the individual sites will contribute to the whole.

Protection and management requirements

The series of the stack house sites are legally protected under the legal systems in the various States Parties. There is a need to ensure that the highest level of legal protection available within each of the parties is provided. The common management system integrates all of the member states and competent authorities, including the local communities, in each country, and connects the different national systems to the international management system, through an established International Coordination Group, based on an Administrative Commitment signed by all States Parties. Common visions and objectives are translated into concrete projects at international, national and regional/local level in a custom action plan. Financing is provided by Switzerland for the Secretariat and by the States Parties to the various projects. Proposed actions which may have a significant impact on the heritage of the archaeological areas designated for inscription are limited. There is a need for a consistent application of protective arrangements on the six contracting states to ensure consistency in the approach to the development, in particular in terms of more use, mooring arrangements and private development and cultural heritage impact assessments. In view of the vulnerability of the remains and the press sites in particular in urban areas, there is a need to ensure that adequate financial resources for monitoring.

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