Sunday 16 November 2014

Qhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System in Chile

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This site is a comprehensive Inca communication, trade and defensive net of streets which cover 30,000 kms. Built by the Incas more than several centuries and partly being based on the pre-Inca infrastructure this unusual net by one of the mostly extreme geographic terrains in the world connected the snowy points of the Andes - in a height of more than 6,000 ms - to the coast, hot rain forests, fertile valleys and absolute deserts piercingly. It reached his maximum enlargement in the 15-th century when it spread out about the length and width of the Andes. The Qhapac Ñ in, Andean street system encloses 273 partial side-propagations about more than 6,000 kms which were selected to emphasize social, political, architectural and technology results of the net, together with his linked infrastructure for trade, adaptation and storage, as well as sides of the religious meaning.

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