Saturday 13 July 2013

Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra - (World Heritage Site in Albania)

brief of heritage site of Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra in Albania, travel to albania, travel europe

Brief Report

Berat and Gjirokastra are registered as rare examples of a architectural character characteristic of the Ottoman period. Centrally located in Albania Berat is testimony to the coexistence of different religious and cultural communities over the centuries. It has a castle, known locally as the Kala, most of which was built in the 13th century, but the origin dating back to the 4th century BC.  The citadel area codes many Byzantine churches, mainly from the 13th century, as well as a number of mosques built under the Ottoman era which began in 1417. Gjirokastra, in the Drinos river valley in the south of the country, has a number of excellent two-storey houses that were developed in the 17th century. The city also owns a bazaar, a 18th-century mosque and two churches in the same period.

Exceptional Universal Value

These two reinforced historic centers are remarkably well preserved, and this is particularly true for their own buildings. They are continuously occupied since the antiquity to the present. Situated in the Balkans, in the south of Albania, and close to each other, they bear witness to the richness and diversity of the urban and architectural heritage of the region.  Berat and Gjirokastra witnesses of a way of life that is affected for a long period by the traditions of Islam during the Ottoman period, while at the same time with more old influences. This way of life has respected orthodox Christian traditions which are thus remain in state their spiritual and cultural development, in particular Berat.

Gjirokastra is built by large landowners. Around the old 13th-century castle, the town has houses with towers (the Turkish kule, which are characteristic of the Balkans. Gjirokastra contains some remarkable examples of houses of this type, which date back to the 17th century, but also more extensive examples dating back to the early 19th century. Berat testifies to a city that was strengthened but open, and was occupied for a long period by craftsmen and traders. The urban center indicates a common housing tradition of the Balkans, examples of which date mainly from the late 18th and 19th century.  

Historical Data

The city Berat is one of the oldest in Albania, with the earliest traces of settlements dating from 2600-1800 V. CHR. There are also ceramics from the 7th or 6th century BC. The Berat people were first called Illyrians, then Arbër, and finally Albanians. The castle had stone fortifications around the middle of the 4th century. A Illyrian city developed under its protection. In the antiquity, Berat was known as Antipatreia, a reinforced center has succeeded in opposition to the Roman legions to for a time. The town is named by Polybius and theory expounded by Livy, and in the list of forts of the Emperor Justinian. During the Byzantine period 533, Berat hot Pulcheriopolis, after the 5th century Byzantine Empress Pulcheria. He developed on the top of the hill. The castle and its fortifications were rebuilt.

In the middle ages the town was under Bulgarian occupation (860-1018), and increased in importance. The name Berat is first mentioned in 1018. Of the Crusader period onward (13th century), Berat had various occupants, including the Angevins, the Serbs and the Muzakaj Principality. Many of the fortification system was rebuilt in the 13th century, in the assumption that the current general form, and many of the features of this period have been preserved. During the 13th and 14th century three important churches were built: St. Mary Vllaherna, holy trinity, and St. Michael. The city had a remarkable cistern system.

At the beginning of the 15th century Berat was occupied by the Ottomans. Important changes have been made to this time; the fortifications were repaired and new towers were built to strengthen them. The city remained part of the Ottoman Empire for a long period, which is characterized by peace and prosperity. Was Located on a large communication pathway between the capital and the Adriatic Sea, located outside the fortifications. Her feet have their current form: Kala (the castle), and Mangalem border post of Gorica and on the other side of the shore. The communities of residents many mosques, of which a number of excellent architectural qualities (Lead Hand Mosque, Teqeja Helvetive mosque).  This period was characterized by the remarkable religious tolerance, and the conservation of the orthodox Christian heritage within a large Muslim population. Christian art and iconography developed such as lighting (School of Onufri, 16th century) and the orthodox cathedral was restored (18century).

After the revolt against the Turks in 1834, the Castle of Berat was damaged, and lost its defensive function. Yet it is the preserve of the historic fabric. Until 1961, the state of Berat remained virtually the same. The old town was then recognized as a valuable heritage property of the Albanian government. The first protective order by the Albanian government dating of October 16, 1948 (Academy of Sciences, decree no 93), and consisted of a list of monuments of national value. For Berat, included: the castle, the bridge over the river Get Osum, four churches and a mosque. In 1961, the decree of 2 June (no.  172) Stated that Berat was a national historic center and museum-town. The list of category 1 monuments in the city was increased to 50 properties, including many private residential homes. Monuments and houses were later added to the list: two in 1963 and one in 1973, 1977 and 1983.

In 1965, the creation of the Albanian Institute for Cultural Monuments led to the creation of an annual program for the maintenance and repair of category 1 monuments. It is supervised by architects and based on compliance of the Venice Charter directives. On the basis of the scheme, the monuments of Berat are consolidated and restored, including the castle and the religious monuments and murals are preserved. The protection and conservation of the monuments in Berat was, however, greatly neglected in 1990, as a result of the political transition. A real heritage project for the city was not resumed until two or three years ago. A five-year plan is set for 2007-2011 of the Institute for cultural monuments.

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