Monday 22 July 2013

Jesuit Block and Estancias of Córdoba - (World Heritage Site in Argentina)

World Heritage Sites in Argentina
Jesuit Block and Estancias of Córdoba

Short Report

The Jesuit Block in Cordoba, in the heart of the former Jesuit Province of Paraguay and contains the most important buildings of the Jesuit system: the university, the church and residence of the Society of Jesus, and the college. Together with the five estancias, or agriculture estates, they contain religious and non-religious buildings, which illustrate the unique religious, social and economic experiment carried out in the world for a period of more than 150 years in the 17th and 18th century.

Wide Report

The Jesuit buildings and ensembles of Cordoba and estancias are exceptional examples of the mix of European and indigenous values and cultures during a seminal period in South America. The Jesuits were late in the Spanish American colonies, preceded by other jobs, such as the Franciscans and Dominicans. However, the southern part of the continent was still being examined or in the late 16th century, and offers opportunities for the Jesuits. The Spanish monk Diego Torres is sent by the order for the organization of the new Province of Paraguay in 1607 (ambulatory tasks already in the region since 1588). Missions were sent from Cordoba, the center of the new province, colleges and preach the Jesuit message. Cordoba itself, drawn up by Jerónimo Luis Cabrera in 1573, was the standard Spanish colonial checkrboard pattern. Common with the other orders, the Jesuits were assigned one of the 70 blocks of the original position.

The Jesuit Block in Cordoba contains the most important buildings of the Jesuit system: the university, the church and residence of the Society of Jesus, and the college. The National University of Cordoba (formerly called the Colegio of the society of Jesus) is organised around a central open space (originally a botanical garden), and built in stone and brick, with spacious colonnades around the courtyard. The Society of Jesus Church is a huge domed structure with two squat towers to the west, mainly in stone, stone in the cadres. It is a single-nave building, the interior is richly decorated, the retablo of the main altar and the pulpit are excellent examples of baroque. As with the university, the buildings of the Colegio Nacional de Nuestra Señora de Montserrat be disposed around two open spaces. It is built in the same style as the other structures in the Jesuit Block.

The five estancias illustrate the unique religious, social and economic experiment carried out in the world for a period of over 150 years in the 17th and 18th century. The Alta Gracia estancia was originally a church, the priests' residence, depart for the slaves and workers (scrapped), livestock pens, vegetable gardens (missing), a textile factory, a reservoir and other mills. The estancia is located in the heart of the city, with two spacious terraces. The two buildings of the complex and the church forms three sides of a square terrace, the fourth is closed by a high wall pierced by the main entrance.

The Santa Catalina estancia is a rural setting in the beautiful landscape of the Cordoba sierras, consisting of a church, the priests' residence, employees depart, the newcomers' house (now ruin), a mill and a reservoir. The map, the largest of all the estancias , is in the form of three terraces, the central of the main building. The church, a Latin cross in plan, has an impressive baroque facade.

The components of the rural Jesús María estancia are identical with those of Santa Catalina. Cloisters you will find two sides of the central patio, the others is formed by a storage building and a high stone wall. The furthest of Cordoba is the rural estancia of Candelaria. In contrast to the others, it is located in a secluded part of the region. It is smaller than the other, consisting of a chapel, priests' residence, workers quarters (now demolished) and cattle pens. By contrast, the estancia Caroya is an impressive ensemble, in a lush green landscape. The mill and reservoir are now lost, but the patio, surrounded by monasteries and quarters for the boarders of the Colegio Nacional de Nuestra Señora de Montserrat, is striking in the proportions and dimensions.

Historical Data

The Society of Jesus was founded in 1540 by St Ignatius Loyola, as part of the choose between counter-reformation . The missions by this hierarchical organization in non-Christian countries had as its principal activities spiritual guidance by means of retreats and education. It was governed by its own laws.

The Jesuits were late in the Spanish American colonies, preceded by other jobs, such as the Franciscans and Dominicans. However, the southern part of the continent was further examined at the end of the 16th century, with opportunities for the Jesuits. The Spanish monk Diego Torres is sent by the order for the organization of the new Province of Paraguay in 1607. Ambulatory tasks already in the region since 1588. Missions were sent from Cordoba, the center of the new Province, colleges and preach the Jesuit message.

The town of Cordoba was determined by Jerónimo Luis Cabrera in 1573 and on the standard Spanish colonial checkerboard pattern. Common with the other orders, the Jesuits were assigned one of the seventy blocks of the original position, but they have no take possession of it until 1599.

One of the first acts of the Jesuits was to build on this block in 1610 called the Colégio (which the Royal and pontifical University in the next decade), Where education was in accordance with the educational plan Ratio atque Instituto Studiorum; it affectio societatis Jesu (Method and System of Studies of the society of Jesus), set up in 1599 and applied in the world of the order. Other a monastic buildings followed, including the university and the church and residence of the order. This underwent a number of transformations, and reconstructions, both before and after the expulsion of the order in 1767.

The estancias, that is, for agriculture, textiles production and mules breeding next to their mental functions, are very successful economically. They came into the possession of the society in different ways, including by purchase and bequests. Alta Gracia was a cattle ranch in the hands of Alonso Nieto the Herrera that society, he gave when he died, While La Candelaria was created on land donated by Francisco de Vera y Mujica in 1678. Caroya was purchased in 1616, Jesús María in 1618, and Santa Catalina in 1616. All were sold to private individuals in the property of the company by the Administrative Body Temporalities was auctioned after the expulsion.

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