Monday 22 July 2013

Península Valdés - (World Heritage Site in Argentina)

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Península Valdés

Short Report

Península Shopping Center is Valdés in Patagonia is a site of global significance for the conservation of marine mammals. It is an important breeding population of the endangered southern right whales as well as important breeding population of southern elephant seals and southern sea lions. The code name orcas base image in this area have developed a unique hunting strategy to adapt to local coastal area.

Wide Report

In Valdés Península Shopping Center is in the Argentine province of Chubut is a 4000 km2 promontory, excellent 100 km east in the South of the Atlantic Ocean. The 400 km coastline consists of a series of divisions, rocky cliffs, shallow bays and lagoons with extensive mudflats, sand and pebble beaches, coastal sand dunes and small islands. The banks and the waters around the Peninsula is a special place for marine mammals. A population of looking makes use of the protected waters for mating and calving. The southern elephant seal refuge has its most northern colony here. They reached peaks of more than 1,000 people and is the only colony in the world reported to be on the increase. The southern sea lion also varieties here in large numbers.

The local population of code name orcas base image has used the beaches of Valdésto develop a unique and spectacular approach for hunting. The code name orcas base image race in the shallow surf to snatch sea lions or young elephant seals, often throws is located on the beach in the process.

The site has a great variety of birds. The peninsula the intertidal mudflats and lagoons are important staging sites for migratory shorebirds The Magellanic penguin is the largest number of nearly 40,000 active nests divided into five different colonies. Terrestrial mammals are present in abundance. In very large herds guanaco to see the peninsula and the mara, an Argentine endemic, threatened in other parts of the country, is to be found here.

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