Saturday 27 July 2013

Sydney Opera House - (World Heritage Cultural Site in Australia)

Sydney Opera House

Short Report

Inaugurated in 1973, the Sydney Opera House is a great architectural work of the 20th century that several strands of creativity and innovation in both architectural form and structure. A large urban sculpture in a remarkable 'western Pomeranian inland boddenlandschaft', at the tip of a peninsula projecting in Sydney Harbor, the building has a permanent influence on architecture. The Sydney Opera House includes three types of interlocking vaulted 'holders' roof two main performance halls, and a restaurant. This shell structures are set to a large platform and are surrounded by terraces that function as pedestrian halls. In 1957, when the project of the Sydney Opera House was awarded by an international jury of the Danish architect Jørn Utzon, this meant a radically new approach to construction. 

Wonderful Universal Importance

The Sydney Opera House is a masterpiece of 20th-century architecture. The meaning is based on the unrivalled design and construction; the exceptional technical achievements and technological innovation and its position as a world-famous icon of architecture. It is a courageous and visionary experiment has a permanent influence on the emerging architecture of the late 20th century. Utzon's original design concept and its unique approach to building gave impetus to a collective creativity of architects, engineers and contractors. Ove Arup to technical achievements entertained Utzon the vision a reality. The design is a formidable interpretation and response the setting in Sydney Harbor. The Sydney Opera House is also of outstanding universal value for its performance in mechanical engineering and construction technique. The building is a great artistic monument and an icon, accessible to the society in general. 

All the necessary elements to the values of the Sydney Opera House are included within the limits of the designated area and buffer zone. This ensures that the full representation of its interpretation as an architectural object of great beauty in her 'western Pomeranian inland boddenlandschaft' setting. The Sydney Opera House continues its role as a world-class performing arts center. The Maintenance Plan indicates the necessary balance between, on the one hand, the functions of the building as an architectural monument and a state-of-the-art center, allowing the authenticity of use and function. Attention for conservation of the authenticity was concluded with the conservation and the Utzon Design principles. 

The Sydney Opera House was included in the National List of the World Heritage Site in 2005 under the protection of the environment and conservation of biodiversity Act 1999 and the Heritage Register of New South Wales in 2003 under Heritage Act 1977. Inclusion in the National Heritage list implies that all the proposed measures within or outside the limits of a National Heritage place or a World Heritage property which may have a significant impact on the heritage values is prohibited without the consent of the Minister of Environment and heritage. A buffer zone is set. 

The current state of conservation is very good. The property is maintained and preserved by means of regular and rigorous repair and protection. The management system of the Sydney Opera House, taking account of a wide range of measures as referred to in planning and heritage legislation and policies of the Australian Government and the New South Wales Government. The management plan for the Sydney Opera House, the conservation and the Utzon Design principles together the policy framework for the conservation and management of the Sydney Opera House. 

Historical Data

A major cultural center for Sydney and its establishment on Bennelong Point had been discussed since the 1940s. In 1956 the New South Wales Government asked an open-ended international design contest and appointed to an independent jury, rather than commissioning a local firm. The competition brief provided global specifications in the attract the best design talent in the world; he was not given design parameters or costs. The main requirement of the competition was short a design for a dual function building with two performance halls. 

The competition that enormous interest in Australia and abroad. The New South Wales Government decision to commission Jørn Utzon as the only architect was unexpected, courageous and visionary. There was scepticism about whether the structure can be built up as Utzon is limited experience, the rudimentary and unique design concept and the absence of technical advice. The competition drawings were largely schematic, the design was not fully assessed and neither Utzon nor the board had consulted a structural engineer. Utzon design concept includes unprecedented architectural forms and demanded that requires solutions new technologies and materials. The New South Wales Government in addition to the pressure of public opinion to choose an Australian architect. 

The Sydney Opera House is often is built in three phases and this is useful for understanding the history of the three key elements of its architectural composition: the stage (phase 1: 1958 - 1961), the vaulted shells (phase 2: 1962 - 1967) and the glass walls and interiors (phase 3: 1967- 1973). Architect Jørn Utzon conceived the overall design and supervision of the construction of the stage and the vaulted shells. The glass walls and the interiors have been designed and their construction accompanied by architect Peter Hall supported by Lionel Todd and David Littlemore in combination with the then New South Wales Government Architect, Ted Farmer. Peter Hall was busy with Utzon on various aspects of the design at least eighteen months after his departure. Ove Arup * Partners provided the expertise for the three stages of construction. 

Design and construction are closely intertwined. Utzon is unique design together with his radical approach to the construction of the building encouraged a exceptional cooperation and innovative environment. His model meant a break with the traditional architectural practice at the time. The design solution and the construction of the scale structure took eight years and the development of the special ceramic tiles for the holders took three years. The Sydney Opera House was a laboratory and a large, open-air pre-casting factory. 

The Sydney Opera House has sixteen years to build; this was six years longer than planned and ten times more than the original cost estimates. On October 20, 1973 the Sydney Opera House was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II. After inauguration, new works were carried out in the course of time. Between 1986 and 1988 the spatial approach and forecourt were constructed and the lower concourse developed under the supervision of the then New South Wales Government Architect, Andrew Andersons, with contributions from Peter Hall. 

Between 1998 and 1999 the recording and rehearsal space was converted into two areas: a whole area for the orchestra and the Studio, a rejuvenated implementation space for the presentation of innovative music and performing arts. In 1998, in accordance with the celebration of the 25th anniversary of inauguration, the Sydney Opera House Trust appointed Sydney architect Richard Johnson to advise on the future development of the site and planning principles. By Johnson, the Sydney Opera House Trust began negotiations to reconcile with Utzon and re-enable the building with him in an advisory role. In 1999 Utzon officially accepted Premier Carr's invitation to re-engage with the project by means of design principles that are short vision of the building and explain the principle behind its design.  Over a period of three years he worked with his architect son and business partner, Jan Utzon, and Richard Johnson for the preparation of its design principles for the Sydney Opera House, including the refurbishment of the hall, the construction of the western loggia, explore options for improvement of the concert hall acoustics. An improvement in the provision of services to the forecourt to support performances, modification of the orchestra pit and interior of the Opera House. In 2002, the Sydney Opera House Trust released the Utzon Design principles. In 2004 conversion of the Utzon Room (formerly known as the lobby) was completed. 

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