Friday 7 November 2014

The World Heritage Site Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas in Brazil

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Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas - Brazil
This sanctum in Minas Gerais, in the south of Belo horizons was built in the second half of the 18-th century. There is of a church with a nice rococo inside of the Italian inspiration; one with images of the clairvoyants decorated stair; and seven chapels to illustrate the mountain Kalvarien where the multicolored sculptures of Aleijadinho masterpieces of a highly original one, the Bewegens, expressive form of the baroque art are.

Wide Report

In the 18-th century Minas was Gerais at full gave more than 30,000 Prospektoren in 1712. In addition, the devotion of these pioneers was for a noteworthy blossom of the religious art, full with baroque recollections under influence of the stream rococo responsibly and with the modern expressionist invention pregnant.

In Congonhas de Campoa was the wish of Portuguese foreign workers who were wonderfully cured of a Verkrüppeln illness, the beginning of the building of a Christian art the most unbelievable partnerships of monuments. Bury in the luxuriant scenery of the Brazilian highlanders the sanctum is an integral component of the scenery, that the full realization of the union of the nature, the person and the divinity of the Brazilian culture. The ensemble exists of Bom church of Jesus, completes in 1772 and is built on the point of the Morro Maranh ã act supra Enthusiastically by the sanctums of Bom acts of Jesus Motosinhos, not far from postage, and Bom of Jesus Braga in Portugal, the complex was completed in few more than 60 years of the hard work, as well as they were the first development, incredibly in his style, most known Brazilian artists and craftsmen. The church is an easy building in the tradition of the first religious buildings in Minas Gerais. However, after the death of his founder, Feliciano Mendess, in 1765 it was a deluxe establishment from rocaille and Rococo-like enthusiastically by Italian models, forms the original appearance around.

The church was the development of architect Franciscos De Lima de Cerqueira you and master master builder Domingos Antonio Dantas and Antonio Rodrigues Falcado, what greet the building in 1773. De Cerqueira greets you, was responsible in particular for the noteworthy innovations in the architecture of the church. This is for the development of a regional school of the architecture in his own right enough. The plan of the building develops along a single and wide way which ends in a main chapel where the altar is laid. On both sides of the main structure are two high towers, in a niche put in the line of the facade, and covers with domes comparably with this of the other chapels, but smaller. The facade is decorated an easy square open by a main entrance with the door posts, as well as by two windows. The upper department leads to a tympanum with a wave contour. Externally the complex is shown in the bright white plaster, broken by the reliefs in the bacon stone-stove can be thought that his profile along the grid of the stair, the corners of the towers, the coastal projection mark which comforts this gap the biggest part of the facade of the tympanum, reliefs of the main entrance and the tympanum itself. The reasons are repeated in that a little easier form for the chapels. 

While the outside represents the Brazilian baroque style, the decoration, the thinking one, the Italian culture with the establishment of a luxuriant rococo style which refers to the walls and covers and clearly is the base of the Schnitzens on the altar, the images and the pictures on the walls of the hall and the main gallery. Parvis whose rules began in 1770 the clairvoyant is decorated with twelve statues by Aleijadinho between 1800 and 1805. The Passos, seven the mountain Kalvarien which are taken up in small chapels were also carved by Aleijadinho between 1796 and 1800. The Christian art in Latin America reached his unquestionable zenith with Mehrfarbengruppen whose scenographic presentation strengthened the pathetic character. As already pointed out, with numerous opportunities with Aleijadinho half a race accepts born an aesthetic dimension which is unknown for Europe in Vila Rica, baroque sculpture.

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